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4 Fun Ways to Make Your Child's Hearing Devices Shine Bright!

Colorful glittery earmolds and playful designs keep our daughter interested in her hearing devices... a step on the way to self advocacy!

Daisy Bell
3 minutes
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Ready for a change? Want to mix things up?

Maybe your child is suddenly obsessed with a certain animal?

If you already have your devices, but want to add some temporary fun, we've got you covered!

Playful colors and designs keep our daughter interested in her hearing devices... another step on the way to self advocacy!

Colorful glittery earmolds and playful designs keep our daughter interested in her hearing devices... a step on the way to self advocacy!

**Do check with your audiologist before adding decorations or modifications to the devices! We're definitely not professionals!**

#1 - Stickers and “Skins”

Our Phonak hearing aids came with a sticker kit!

Sheet of stickers for pediatric hearing aids
Complementary Phonak sticker kit

There's something for every style. We used a few for fun early on (the pig was soooo cute).

The stickers are nice because they come off easily, and don't leave a sticky residue. We can't wait to use hearing aid stickers for real once our toddler's past the sticker-eating age!

We can't wait to use hearing aid stickers for real once our toddler's past the sticker-eating age!

Larger stickers that cover the device are called skins. There's a ton on Etsy in basically every color and theme imaginable, for a wide range of devices.

These mermaid ones are pretty cool!

Mermaid Pink: AB Naida CI M90 and Phonak Sky M-SP vinyl device image 1
Mermaid cochlear implant and hearing aid skins by BeMeeAu on Etsy

#2 - Swap the Earhooks

The earhook is the hard plastic piece that hangs over the ear.

On our hearing aids, the "hook" is the blue piece:

Pink and blue pediatric hearing aid
Phonak Sky Marvel hearing aids with blue earhooks

We got the blue hooks directly from our audiologist. She also gave us a pink set so we can swap the color!

In our personal experience, getting an extra set of hooks was super cheap—it was either free or just a few bucks. The audiologist just had them on hand in her office.

Medical stuff can be unpredictable to us about who can dispense what, and what's covered, and what's cheap or expensive. Everyone's coverage and plans may vary.

If not, we haven't tried this, but maybe the hearing aid company (in our case, Phonak) would make some available?

(eBay also has some hooks, but we'd definitely want to check with an audiologist to make sure they work for us before swapping them in!)

Our pediatric hearing aids have a locking mechanism on the earhooks (which we haven't quite figured out)—another good question for your audiologist.

#3 - Cool Tubes & Charms

The tubes are the flexible, thin pieces that connect the molds to the hooks.

Our baby's hearing aid tubes are clear and plain, but we might want to change it up in the future!

We could see a kid loving these twisty tube covers.

Vehicle Decorations on a Cochlear Implant
Hearing device tube twists and charms by HayleighsCharms on Etsy
Decorated cochlear implant
Hearing device tube twists by DeAmelijaStickers on Etsy

And, how cute are the device charms?  

We'll wait on charms until she's older—for choking concerns and comfort. But. My heart. They're SO cute.

Pediatric hearing aids decorated with pink sparkle ear molds and rainbows
Hearing Device Charms by WhatnotAndWonder on Etsy

#4 - Become an Earmold Artist

We love planning our next earmold colors in advance!

Different doctors have different options. Once we know where our next molds are coming from, we get to work! 

  • What's seasonal? 
  • What's she into these days? 
  • Should we do a transparent color with glitter? 
  • Should we do 2 colors swirled, with an image? 
  • Stripes? 
  • Polkadots?
  • All of the above???? (okay, not possible, but we can dream)

We like to write down our choices to make sure we get it right!

Our recent molds have airplanes soaring through a sparkling sky:

Pink Phonak pediatric hearing aids with blue and white earmolds
Our recent airplane-themed ear molds

We are obsessed.

When the babies are little, we get new molds so frequently that this is a pretty "temporary" change!

What's your child's favorite way to accessorize?

Next Up: Hearing Aid Self-Advocacy... For Toddlers!

White line art drawing of a daisy